Doric Film Festival 2021 - The Karate MannieThe Karate Mannie. An award-winning film in the 2021 Doric Film festival attempts to tell Ronnie's Karate Story in under five minutes. There's so much more to tell.
See the other Doric Film Festival movies on their website.
It's a new year and a fresh start full of the promises we tell ourselves. It's not surprising that new year's resolutions are in abundance after nine months of a pandemic and many of us having been stuck at home, now with visible results on our bodies and mind taking its toll. Lethargy and extra weight gain are trending as we enter 2021. The ageing process is on your heels like the grim reaper in a Ferrari. Mental health is at an all-time low, and some of us cry out to be free from the torture of this pandemic darkness. Fear is plentiful. Not so much for members of Ronnie Watt (9th Dan)'s National Karate Institute who will be Zooming in to 2021, keeping themselves fit through training karate, online via Ronnie's specially devised Lockdown Zoom classes. Though students are in full lockdown as we enter the new year, Ronnie refuses to let his karate spirits be locked down. Karate is a living art form based on self-discipline, self-defence and training of the mind and body. Karate lives within its subject, like a very personal untold story, it cannot be imitated and recognises no higher body other than its subject or opponent. Each person makes their own Karate journey quietly reaping the rewards of their own efforts, without a fast track, speedy boarding pass or any elevated privilege. It's the one hundred per cent authentic you. Something society sadly lacks in modern Britain. It's real. Hundreds of years of training and knowledge passed through sensei to sensei arrive in your soul, and living within you, the karate story continues. During the initial Covid19 lockdown, all Ronnie's regular classes ceased, and students lost their Dojo for training. Not willing to be knocked down by such a blow, Ronnie and his students very quickly mastered the art of Zoom Karate training. Using modern internet technology and fast broadband meant that Ronnie could teach from his living room to the students in their own homes, live via the internet Zoom platform. Over the last nine months, Ronnie has honed this new teaching method to a modern art form. Online karate has been a lifeline for his club and its members. Keeping them active and engaged with karate in Aberdeen and around the world. The training of karate is especially suited to mastery of your body and mind, and its benefits have been widely recognised by doctors and health specialists around the world. Students of all ages can join in the different classes broken down into graded levels of understanding. New students are welcome to join Ronnie's club, contact Ronnie or Gail for more information. The 2021 road to self-improvement must start somewhere. Don't listen to the usual online hype and jump into the deep end with something silly. Failing to achieve anything other than injuries and disappointments. Karate can be a crucial part of the small incremental changes you should make to your life as you make your way forward in 2021. You don't need any fancy equipment or expensive gym memberships. Start slowly at your own pace in your own home. Eat better and eat less. Think long term. Gentle exercise on top of your karate will help your fitness. Read more and drink less. The meaning of Karate-Do (the study of karate) translates as 'The way of the empty hand. ' Karate is a peaceful martial art, but you should not underestimate the bonus of defending yourself in an increasingly dangerous world. Age is no barrier to self-improvement. Anyone interested in joining the National Karate Institute should contact Ronnie through this website
Start your journey today, and live a better way. It's a road less travelled in an unsettling world. ![]() Sometimes during times of darkness, a light still shines. In Aberdeen, Ronnie Watt's Karate continues to glow through this dark period in our city’s history. Guiding students through their karate journey, showing them the path along the way with his National Karate Institute. During the Covid19 lockdown, all regular classes ceased, and students were facing a long period with no Dojo and no training. Not willing to be knocked down by such a blow, Ronnie and his students very quickly mastered the art of Zoom, to continue Karate training. Using Zoom's internet conferencing technology with fast broadband, Ronnie could teach from his living room to the students in their own homes. Live via the Zoom platform. After some initial teething problems, Ronnie designed a new style of training to fit small places. By tweaking some of the traditional kata forms to suit and devising new training methods, he was able to keep people moving within the confines of their own home. Since starting on Zoom, things are looking up, and Ronnie has attracted some new students, both young and old. The lightening of restrictions allowed him to take some small groups for more dedicated training, with greater attention to detail, budo and grading. There is talk of a new hall where he hopes to get back to training in larger groups once the restrictions allow. It has been heart-warming to see the results of the training come through from the more mature ranks of the National Karate Institute. Recently, at a grading outside Ronnie's house, held on his driveway Peter Stuart (71) achieved his brown belt after the grading which required him to perform 7 of the Shotokan kata and the Shodan syllabus. Notably, Brian Welch (80) achieved his lifetime dream of becoming a Black Belt. It has been 10 years since his last grading and Brian was inspired to come back to Karate via Zoom by seeing others training during the lockdown. Brian had suffered a period of ill health and injury. He felt self-conscious about returning to a Karate class where many of the students are not surprisingly much younger. Zoom gave him the ideal opportunity to get back into shape at his own pace, in the comfort of his own home. It also meant he could stop and start as needed without feeling any pressure. Easing himself back into karate since the start of the Zoom classes in March. Many of the young children have also been inspiring. To see them improve and respond to the lessons of Karate and Budo that Ronnie Watt teaches is inspirational. Many are well on their way up the ranks and look set to become the keen champions of tomorrow. Zoom has been a welcome addition to Ronnie's teaching tools. Though it will never be a substitute for training in person. Especially not with a 9th Dan karate master like Ronnie, with an opponent and other karate students. Nevertheless, Zoom has been a vital connection between Ronnie and his students during the dark cloud of uncertainty that is the Covid19 pandemic. Ronnie intends to continue the Zoom classes and points out how it can be an essential training method for students to top up their karate once things get back to normal. Though it has obvious disadvantages compared to one on one training in a dojo, there are some positives. Zoom can be done anytime, anywhere with one or many students. Zoom is still an excellent vehicle for karate knowledge to travel, and for students to learn. For example, recently, Ronnie has had students from around the world joining in his Zoom classes, from Japan, The USA, Germany, Italy and Norway. Zoom allowed Ronnie to continue the karate lessons during the lockdown. Where nobody could travel, meet or visit a dojo. The Zoom class has kept the karate alive and helped Ronnie shine the light into the darkness. The gift of KarateThe Japanese word 'karate' comes from old Chinese and means 'empty hand'. Karate-do translates as the way of karate, and literally so 'the way of the empty hand'. Ironically, many of us are facing 'an empty hand' in our future due to Corona's impact and the economic collapse ahead of us. Training karate with Ronnie has helped many of his students stay focused and helped them through this darkness. "Ronnie has a gift", I've heard many people say that. I also agree. And it is a gift he enjoys and shares with others. Over the years, I have witnessed him share his valuable gift many times, with schools and Universities etc. Karate is a priceless generosity that Ronnie has given to many of his students, and his karate teaching guides them into better versions of themselves. Ronnie and his karate are a much-needed beacon of light during these dark times. The Queen did well to recognise him with her OBE many years ago. As did the Japanese Government with the order of the rising sun, and the Aberdeen City Council, who made him a burgess. Age is no barrier to self-improvement. Anyone interested in joining the National Karate Institute should contact Ronnie through his website ![]() Aberdeen Karate continues to make an impact during the Corona Lockdown thanks to Ronnie Watt's National Karate Institue. During the Covid19 lockdown, all regular classes ceased, and students were faced with no Dojo for training. Not willing to be knocked down by such a blow, Ronnie and his students very quickly mastered the art of Zoom Karate training. Using modern internet technology and fast broadband meant that Ronnie could teach from his living room to the students in their own homes, live via the internet Zoom platform. After some initial teething problems, Ronnie designed a new style of training to fit small places and suit an online audience of mixed ability. Since then, things are looking up, and Ronnie has attracted some new students, both young and old. The lightening of restrictions has allowed him to take some small groups for more dedicated training, with greater attention to detail, budo and grading. This week it was heartwarming to see the results of this hard training come through from the more mature ranks of the National Karate Institute. Peter Stuart (71) achieved his brown belt after a grading which required him to perform 7 of the Shotokan kata and the Shodan syllabus. Brian Welch (80) achieved his lifetime dream of becoming a Black Belt. It has been 10 years since his last grading and Brian was inspired to come back to Karate via Zoom by seeing others training during the lockdown. The young children have also been inspiring. To see them improve and respond to the lessons of Karate and Budo that Ronnie Watt teaches is inspirational. Many are well on their way up the ranks and look set to become the champions of tomorrow. Age is no barrier to self-improvement. Anyone interested in joining the National Karate Institute should contact Ronnie through his website Online Karate Lessons during LockdownLockdown is well underway and looks set to remain in place for a considerable length of time. Unfortunately, our Karate clubs and school clubs will remain closed until government advice changes. The safety of our members, their families and the wider public remains our priority. In the meantime we were thinking, what can we do to help keep your Karate alive during this lockdown? How can we prevent the rot setting in and the lethargy, resistance to exercise and good practice winning over? Fear not. A solution is being sought out and is being tried and tested among the senior members. Our solution during social distancing laws is online training. Something that would have been unthinkable only a few moths ago but so far it has been successful. Ronnie Watt (9th Dan) has given a series of excellent, specially designed live training sessions from his living room with as many as 25 students of all ages taking part in the trial. Ronnie hopes to be able to open this to all members very soon. All you need is a smartphone, ipad or computer.
If you are interested in the online training please register your interest and we will notify you when a space becomes available and how to join in. All Members and School Clubs
WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT The announcement by the U.K. government that the country is now in the delay stage of the Covid-19 Corona virus pandemic has caused us to look at our position in the wider community while running all our public karate classes and school clubs during this period. The health and safety of all of our members and the wider public is paramount. Our priority is to ensure the that we do not contribute to any spread of this virus which may endanger the health of our members, their families and the public. After assessing all the evidence available to us we have taken the decision to temporarily suspend all of our classes from Tuesday 17th March until further notice. We shall inform all of our members at the earliest opportunity of our plans to resume training when it is appropriate to do so. Stay safe. Kindest regards Ronnie Watt (9th Dan) OBE ORS We have arranged three courses for people who wish to grade in April 2020 Cults Academy 10.00-12.00 noon 2nd Feb Squad Training and Kumite Assessment all members for Grading 1st Mar Squad Training Kata Special for All members Grading. Squad - Open Championships to be arranged Weekend of 4th April Grading for all taking part in the above courses. April Club Kumite Championships. Please bring your up to date licence for Signing- remember to have your Licence Promotion record as well as your Licence Attendance record signed for attending. I look forward to seeing you and again and congratulate you for your wonderful contribution towards keeping our premier club at the top of the game, outperforming many well- funded world organisations. With thanks Ronnie Watt Shihan ![]() Our December Karate Course was an eventful weekend with an array of international karate expertise. A major event for karate in the North east of Scotland. Held at Cults Academy in Aberdeen we had two days of Karate organised for all students participating. The visiting instructors were Alf-Ronnie Fagerland (7th Dan) from Norway. Willfried Achillies (8th Dan) from Germany. Leading the course was our very own Ronnie Watt (9th Dan) and Jock Calder (6th Dan) all taking the lessons, and we were delighted to welcome the foreign karate-ka who travelled with their Sensei to Aberdeen. The Saturday morning course encompassed three halls at the Cults Academy and Sports Centre where karate-ka were put through their paces in a gruelling training and grading session. The training focused on basic, Kata and Kumite techniques. Senior gradings lasted around 2 hours with almost non-stop activity and concentration. The Sunday saw all the Karateka training together in the large hall, and each instructor gave in-depth advanced kata training. Looking into the detail of the movements and the meaning behind it. Jion, Gojushiho-sho and Meikyo. Congratulations to all students who passed their kyu gradings and a special thanks and recognition to our new Dan grades. Several NKI awards were given to some of our junior members who have shown dedication and exceptional improvement through their training. The NKI Karate-do Kids of Active Excellence The OSS Cadet Samurai awards were presented to Owen Douglas, Jacob Adam and Charlotte Adam by Lord Charles Bruce, Benedict Bruce and Ronnie Watt. Sensei Willfried Achillies from Germany was presented by Ronnie Watt and Alf-Ronnie with a much-coveted Samurai award for his contribution to the martial arts. Congratulations and thanks to all those who took part in this Kumite competition. It was obvious to all our Karate instructors that the hard work has been paying off with evident improvement among many of our karate students. The discipline and sportsman ship was to be admired. The event ran very smoothly and everyone enjoyed the occasion in a safe and well planned competition. The hard work now continues with our Masters Course planned for the weekend before Christmas. All students are encouraged to take part in this unique weekend of karate. Here are the results of the NKI nationals Kumite championship held on Sunday 3rd of November 2019. NKI Nationals Results
Female (5-9) All grades 1st Charlotte Adam 2nd Aylee Mcintosh Female (5-9) Novice – 4th Kyu 1st Ariesi Ojendrabe 2nd Aylee Mcintosh 3rd Chiera Dawson/Maisie Thomson Male (5-9) Novice – 4th Kyu 1st Finlay Jones 2nd Cooper Watt 3rd Henry Johnstone/Ryan Forbes Female (10-13) Novice – 4th Kyu 1st Milly Mcintosh 2nd Katya Todd 3rd Eva Worth/Eilsa Hughes Female (10-13) Brown/Black Belts 1st Sophie Jonstone 2nd Nikola Lubizynske Male (10-13) Novice – 4th Kyu 1st Arya Kusuma 2nd Torin Watt 3rd Andrew Taylor/Ryan Jairath Male (10-13) Brown/Black Belts 1st Marco Abel 2nd Cameron Smith 3rd Jacob Adam/Nikita Kevra Male (14-17) Brown/Black Belts 1st Ben Porter 2nd Naman Maheshian 3rd Aaron Keir Female (14-17) Brown/Black Belts 1ST Charlotte Walker2nd Bethany Garden Male Adults Senior 1st Stuart Odell 2nd Chris Morrice 3rd Scott Sutherland/Radoslaw Slomink Female Adults Senior 1st Carole Kelman 2nd Lisa Douglas Male Adult 1st Connor Davidson 2nd Andrew Mullen 3rd Gabriel Turek We have an amazing karate course planned for December this year. Six hours of Karate training over 2 days with some of the finest and most experienced Karate Masters in Europe. Our very own Ronnie Watt (9th Dan) OBE ORS and David Calder (6th Dan) will be joined with two visiting instructors from Europe. Sensei Alf Ronnie Fagerland (7th Dan) will take a break from his busy schedule to make a special trip from Norway to visit Aberdeen. Also by special invitation, travelling from Germany, Sensei Willfried Achillies (8th Dan) will also be on hand to teach at our course. Each instructor will be bringing some of their finest squad members making this course and extra special blend of Karate training and friendship. The course will also give students a chance to grade to their next belt and there will also be a Dan grading on Sunday. Spaces are limited so register now and reserve your place. A unique opportunity to train Karate alongside European Masters.Book now to avoid disappointment.
AuthorA Scottish Karate-Ka Archives
August 2021
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